Check Mate : Have u checked it out ?
Are you happy or ARE YOU HAPPY?

Remember those times when the best birthday gift was a collection of your funny pictures from your childhood by your mother and the best birthday meal would be a hand-cooked meal by…

Check Mate : Have u checked it out ?
Check Mate : Have u checked it out ?

The classics never go out of fashion and some trends like the checks and polkas are forever young trends. The fashion industry always keeps coming back to these timeless trends because they…

Let’s Talk Unconventional
Let’s Talk Unconventional

We tend to show a certain level of hesitance when it’s about accepting the unusual. We think that things should only take their natural course and any divergence from the natural, takes…

The dilemma of the 20’s
The dilemma of the 20’s

The ending of the teenage life comes at your 20’s, which is a new beginning all together. It is a roller coaster ride, but an exciting one, if you are smart enough…

The perfect Indian Homemaker
The perfect Indian Homemaker

“As long as she thinks of a man, nobody objects to a woman’s thinking” Society is hypocritical, something we all are quite well aware of, given the innumerable instances in our daily…

Do you have FOMO ?
Do you have FOMO ?

If you have a constant and desperate urge to check your blackberry messenger or update your social media accounts with your latest updates at a frequency, which is abnormally high, then you…

Breast cancer Awareness – A trend or an effort ?
Breast cancer Awareness – A trend or an effort ?

According to Forbes, “A recent TIME Magazine article entitled “When Is ‘Awareness’ Awareness Month?”, contends, that, “Going pink has become more of a branding opportunity than a public service.” Have you ever…

Why Detachment is a bliss ?
Why Detachment is a bliss ?

Saints and sages have always imparted us godly wisdom. One of the most common teachings is the art of detachment. Detachment is not refraining yourself from all the good things around you…

The Indian Arrange Marriage sham
The Indian Arrange Marriage sham

Togetherness is celebrated because it’s beautiful and one might also say that it’s eternal. In Indian culture, we believe marriage to be the purest form of unity. According to Hindu mythology, it…

Long distance love is funny
Long distance love is funny

Relationships are funny, they make you smile, they make you cry, but they help you evolve and learn. Distance is what makes a relationship even funnier because in this case, the distance…