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Read More →Are We Stereotyping Women Careers in India?
In our society, there are set of norms and notions which are considered apt for women. If that’s the case then how can their career paths be exempted from this imprudence?
Right from birth, our freedom and rights are ascribed to us. We are told what to do, how to do and when to do. We’re told to talk and dress and behave in a manner that the society considers apt or thinks is acceptable. While there are some sections of the society which have moved forward from these orthodox notions, majority of them still remain stuck to their old ways of thinking. This is a rigid trait of our Indian society. It is well rooted in this patriarchy system since time immemorial and has only witnessed a little progress compared to other cultures.
Women are perceived to have weaker physical abilities for certain professions. They are thought of as way too emotional and thus even lack rationality. Their most acceptable job is to stay at home, perform household chores and most importantly, to procreate. All these views have resulted in creating a perception where women are considered fit only for certain selected professions. If one is well versed with the societal norms, then it’s not a difficult task to figure out how these perceived notions are manifested in the social system. To an extent, every woman irrespective of her socio-economic status, is a victim.
Professions related to teaching, fashion and beauty, clothing and dress-making, nursing are considered apt for women. Gynaecology in the field of medicine is another conventional practice meant for women. Any woman doing anything apart from the selected few careers become exemplary. What makes these vocations acceptable for women is the thought of them being suitable for their ‘seeming capabilities’.
Jobs such as teaching are imparted by women especially at the nursery and primary levels because women are considered to be caring and nurturing.
Not just in our society but the world over, women are supposed to look beautiful and appropriately dressed all the times. These are the set certain ‘standards’ created by none other than but our society, which is full of narrow minded people. Hence, the fields like beauty, fashion and teaching are considered apt for us. On the contrary, fields like combat, defence, architecture, engineering and politics are considered as authoritative arenas which have excluded women from their domains. Because of our supposed lack of rationality and objectivity and leadership skills, these vocations are not deemed fit for women. Also, fewer women go for fields such as Finance, investment banking and accounting.
Defying such conventional views are women like Malala Yousafzai who have fought against all odds for their basic rights. Increasing number of women are joining the armed forces. Surprisingly, most of the toppers of the coveted Civil Services are women. Our Indian Air Force is not far behind. Now women in the Air Force can fly fighter planes. Women like Mary Kom have proved that being ‘tough’ is not meant only for men. She has succeeded in proving that even a woman can develop the strength of a fighter after a being a mother of two. Her exemplary character inspired millions of people who stereotype women with certain career paths.
Therefore, even though there has been remarkable progress in the changing of this kind of attitude, women have largely been rendered incompetent for the above-mentioned occupations. No one can define the occupations and the career paths we want to pursue, we have to choose and create value for ourselves.
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