Suchita Salwan & her Little Black Book
Suchita Salwan & her Little Black Book

Download the Little Black Book. Breaking the monotony with Little Black Book! How many times have you missed out on an event happening in your city, because you did not know about…

iPleaders: Simplifying Sexual Harassment Laws
iPleaders: Simplifying Sexual Harassment Laws

Pallavi Pareek as a child knew that she would create something of her own that would affect the way society functions for its different genders. When she enrolled in a class in…

New-Age Army Wives : No More A Shadow Spouse
New-Age Army Wives : No More A Shadow Spouse

The Army (or armed forces) is perhaps the only organization where the spouses play a fundamental role in smooth discharge of social obligations and responsibilities. When a ‘lady’ joins the extended Olive…

Pencil9- Never Needed Funding
Pencil9- Never Needed Funding

Trisheetaa Tej is a writer by profession, an entrepreneur at heart & a clinical nutritionist by choice. The winner of “Advancing the Dignity Of Women Award”, an award given to women doing outstanding…

The Wharton India Economic Forum 2017
The Wharton India Economic Forum 2017

The Wharton India Economic Forum (WIEF) is all set for it’s 2-day power-packed summit in January (6th & 7th) starting with the Wharton India Startup Competition (WISC) and followed by a Speaker Series. This…