In the beginning of 2015, Ritu Singh placed an order for medicines with one of the major players. After a shoddy service experience from them, she did a little research in the online medical services platform and saw an enormous gap in the segment. “I observed a high growth potential for new players and brainstormed the idea with Aditya Kandoi and Yogesh Kumar to start up CareOnGo,” says the founder.
CareOnGo was launched as a One‐Stop Care and Wellness Online Platform. Be it buying medicines online, finding substitutes, understanding your medicines, getting your medical diet planed, or talking to our health experts, CareOnGo provides everything to its customers. Ritu’s journey for over a year has been filled with excitement, risk, uncertainity, apprehension while working on CareOnGo.
Entrepreneurship is not what a person should sign up for, but trust me the satisfaction of solving the problems of consumers makes up for everything that an entrepreneur goes through
Being the first e-distributor, CareOnGo links with the inventory system of local pharmacies. Using its data algorithms, it is able to analyse varied trends and purchase patterns to provide a highly efficient procurement platform for the micro-pharmacies. Their services are operational in Delhi-NCR, Bangalore, Hyderabad and Kolkata.
Entrepreneurs face a challenge in moving out of their comfort zones when they start-up. And moving towards the unknown is easier with the support of friends and family. Afterall, they are the ones who would be by your side during the lows in the journey. Ritu says that she has been blessed with supportive family members who add to her positive energy.
As an entrepreneur, one has to sometimes take hard decisions which might not be right for everyone around them
Once you are an entrepreneur, you have to think not just about your customers, but about your team, partners and stakeholders. “Making lives better for everyone associated with CareOnGo motivates me to keep going every day”, says the IIM alumni. Through the journey, Ritu has sacrificed a lot family time and get-togethers. “Initially my family wanted me to attend the functions and be a part of ceremonies. But eventually everyone understood that I might not be able to give as much time and supported me through the journey,” she adds.
As a start-up founder, Ritu has faced her set of challenges in finding the right people who are the best-fit for the product. But during the start-up expedition, the ex-senior consultant with Deloitte was positive about learning new things all the time. “Though the journey has not been easy, but if one keeps an open mind to listen and articulate, then journey becomes much easier,” she says.
With the start-up hype, many aspire to work in a start-up but don’t’ have that extra drive required to make it work.
She advises the future entrepreneurs to follow their heart. “If you believe you are doing it right, then no one can stop you from success. You need to be equipped with optimism, confidence, self-awareness and knowledge to reach a level where social taboos can’t pull you down,“ she ends by saying.
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