Varsha Wadhwa Promising Designer from Kolkatata Talks about Fashion
I REFUSE! by Mia Morgan
I REFUSE! by Mia Morgan

A rant on how my female identity has been shaped by excuses and lies. When I was 5, I sat on the edge of my chair with my legs spread. I felt…

Let’s talk about Sex, Kids!
Let’s talk about Sex, Kids!

The word sex is going to be used a lot in this article. Thought I might forewarn you, should you wish to look around to see whether anyone else in your room…

First Date Makeup
First Date Makeup

The First Impressions! Are you going through first date butterflies? Well, fret not! Step up your game with some trendy makeup and hairstyle tips to help you sail through your first meet…

Are you eating for your body or emotions?
Are you eating for your body or emotions?

Mindless, Binge Eating! Are you eating for your body or emotions? Ways to deal with emotional eating. Guys, accept the fact that we don’t always eat simply to satisfy our hunger pangs.…

Why Men are Seen and Women Looked At
Why Men are Seen and Women Looked At

A female body is a fetish. The shape of the face- oval, square, round; the cheekbones- prominent, or hidden under folds of flesh; the curve of her upper lip, the size of…

The Kohinoor of India
The Kohinoor of India

Our heritage, the Indian heritage is extremely rich and variable there are myriad examples that can be quoted in various fields of art and science to prove the same. One of them…