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It’s often said, “ to know your friends, travel with them and to know yourself, travel alone”. We all travel with different motives and expectations. Travel, gives us time to reflect, learn and act upon our lingering decisions. It’s not just important to travel, but a mandatory requirement to give solace to the running thoughts and give them some time to breathe and resolve.
There are thoughts, desires and decisions which are left in the mind to struggle alone and whenever you ponder them, the mind feels exhausted. When one travels, these thoughts, desires and decisions get liberated. You feel freedom in your surroundings and in your mind as well. Exploring different cultures, interacting with different people and experiencing different activities make your life meaningful.
Unraveling yourself is a gradual phenomenon and it’s a feeling, which gives you immense self-satisfaction. Travelling then becomes an addiction and if this addiction gives you happiness, you would want to travel more. There are reasons why travelling makes you a happier person at work and at home as well as a better social being.
Productivity is directly proportional to your motivation levels. When you travel, you realize that there are objects and experiences, which inspire and motivate you without you asking for them. A family enjoying a meal on a cruise would motivate you to work hard so that you can provide your own family with similar luxury. Similarly, watching an 80 years old man biking on the beach would motivate you to be fit and take up a sport.
Travel talks can also be great conversations builders. You can intrigue people with the new places, different cultures and memorable experiences you have witnessed. Sometimes, these conversations are great bond building activities between employer and employees. Social bonding over travelling is a common activity but it even act as a great icebreaker.
Travelling has many unexpected consequences also, which can turn out to be life changing. Meeting someone new, who turns out to be your soul mate or getting to know your best friend outside his comfort zone. Most importantly, you discover yourself in a different way.
From eating varied types of food to the urge to discover hidden caves, you will find yourself doing things you could never have imagined. By the end of it, you will realize that no matter many flights you have missed and the innumerable wrong routes you have taken, in the end, it all falls into place. You need some tactful moves and smart talking to get out of circumstances and make sure things work in your favor. That is what life is all about. Stress is not a solution to any problem and travel teaches you this lesson thoroughly and patiently.
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