Flair Like A Girl | Ami Shroff For Feministaa
Flair Like A Girl | Ami Shroff For Feministaa

The first name you read when you Google ‘Female Bartenders in India’ is Ami Behram Shroff. And as you go down, you see a curly haired girl, playing with fire, mixing drinks,…

The Top 10 New Year Must-Haves
The Top 10 New Year Must-Haves

Every New Year is a clean slate to write a new life on. It is about time to make those resolutions, and carry them forward (for at least 15 days). This 10…

Go To Guide For Breastfeeding | Breastfeeding Facts
Go To Guide For Breastfeeding

Did You Know? Breastfeeding is a natural phenomenon meant to nurture and protect the child. It is intricately connected to the mother’s own love for the child. Every new mother has struggled…