An Interview with Aditi Goel, Culinary Studio ‘Food-E: Culinary Studio’ Mumbai
Aditi Goel

A proud owner of the culinary studio ‘Food-E: Culinary Studio’ in Mumbai,  Aditi Goel is a gracious host to home bakers and chefs and even conducts workshops, customized food trials and demonstrations.…

Ritu Singh providing Your care, Your way!
Ritu Singh providing Your care, Your way!

In the beginning of 2015, Ritu Singh placed an order for medicines with one of the major players. After a shoddy service experience from them, she did a little research in the…

Why Women Need to be Emotionally Intelligent
Why Women Need to be Emotionally Intelligent

Wikipedia defines Emotional Intelligence as the capacity of individuals to recognise their own and other people’s emotions, to discriminate between different feelings and label them appropriately and to use emotional information to…