An ex-banker by profession, activist by heart, entrepreneur in soul, and a successful working Indian…
Read More →“Take a chance, give it your best, and trust me you will surprise yourself!”- Megha Bhaiya
“As a womanpreneur, you’re always under an additional pressure to prove your credibility, performance and talent”
Ever since Megha completed her graduation from Lancaster University, she went straight to and joined her family business. In the back of her mind, she always had the urge to do something of her own. When she turned 24, she finally decided to step out of her comfort zone and make an identity of her own. That’s when she started InstaPro3D, a company specializing in 3D modelling and prototyping services.
“My parents were a little apprehensive initially since 24 is a very marriage-able age in our society. People around my family always questioned them about when are they going to get me married and that I should be starting up something only once I am married,” says Megha.
She had always believed that the society’s viewpoint should not matter in shaping up her future. “I discussed this with my parents and completely supported my endeavor for starting up my own tech business of 3D printing,” she adds.
Being an entrepreneur demands a lot of hard work. You can never afford a break and sometimes, you have to work day and night to achieve something. Moving out of the comfort zone while working with her father, Megha quickly adapted to working 24 hours a day. From establishing the process to building a team and then strategising the products, all had to be done. “It was all a little overwhelming in the beginning. But if you set your mind on achieving something, it’s never too difficult to achieve it,” she says.
We asked Megha what kept her going in spite of all the challenges she faced, and she said, “My parents told me to stop worrying about what can go wrong. I realized that I was on the right track when my work was acknowledged and appreciated not just by family and friends but also by my clients, mentors and industrial gurus. It’s an absolutely wonderful feeling to see your hard work paying off.”
As a woman technopreneur, she has had to repeatedly establish her credibility and knowledge amongst peers. “People under estimate your potential. There have been times when I received comments such as, “what is a delicate girl like you is doing in such a tough industry? Although, sometimes this can work to your advantage as well when you deliver more than their expectations,”
Her father has been very supportive during this journey. “He has always encouraged me to keep going forward with this venture and has never pressurized or questioned for results. Since this is my debut venture, I often get stuck with issues related to various areas of the business. He has constantly helped me resolve them and move ahead,” she adds.
She believes that a woman can be extremely ambitious, fierce and targeted when she’s at work but at the same point of time, have a soft and caring side. As an entrepreneur, she has majorly given up on the luxury of having a laidback lifestyle and social life. She advices future women entrepreneurs to discuss their dreams and ambitions with their family. “They will surely support you. And the feeling, that you have your family to support you no matter what, will encourage you to over perform and achieve extra ordinary results,” she says.
Megha has not come very far in this journey of being a woman technopreneur but in these past few months, she has evolved as an individual and become more confident.
“I feel that I am able to gradually change the way daughters are viewed in my family. Even though, I have a long way to be completely successful at what I am doing, my family is proud of me for taking up a step that many fear,” says Megha proudly. In the end, she inspires all women entrepreneurs and says, “Take a chance, give it your best, and trust me you will surprise yourself!”
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