Are You Winter Ready Yet ?
Are You Winter Ready Yet ?

Winters are here! It’s a season of dry skin, rough hair and chapped lips. As temperature goes down so does your skin’s moisture. Cold air can result in devastating damage to your…

Top 5 Websites for Baby Shopping
Top 5 Websites for Baby Shopping

Rejoice! No more waiting for your husband or the weekend to shop for your little one. Along with the pressure to shop is coupled, the hassle to look after your baby. But,…

Are We Really “Happy To Bleed”?
Are We Really “Happy To Bleed”?

Hygiene has been of the most neglected issues in India specially for Women. From dealing with pregnancy to menstruation problems, women are more susceptible to health problems and disease . It becomes…

What Does The ODD-EVEN RULE Mean For Women?
What Does The ODD-EVEN RULE Mean For Women?

In the light of the recent odd-even formula being implemented in New Delhi, questions have been raised regarding the safety of women. While the blood stains of the heinous Nirbhaya incident haven’t…

5 Foods to Keep You Warm This Winter
5 Foods to Keep You Warm This Winter

As the temperature drops,  it is important that we keep on layering ourselves with gloves, scarves, sweaters and cozy innerwears. To fight this fang of penetrating coldness, blazers and blankets alone can’t…

Are you Nirbhaya ?
Are you Nirbhaya ?

Today marks 3 years  to the occurrence of the Delhi Rape Case, a heinous act which not only shook our nation but was condemned internationally.  Although, in 2013 the Criminal Law Ordinance,2013…

Top 5 Women Achievers Of Today!
Top 5 Women Achievers Of Today!

Feministaa has picked up five women, who have seen no dearth of ups and downs in their careers and personal lives; yet, inspite of all the turmoil, they have achieved great heights.…

Being the “Only” Woman on the Team
Being the “Only” Woman on the Team

This has never been a woman’s world.​ It is the man who has always dominated the other, so-called “weaker gender” in every situation. Despite the increased awareness about gender equality and sexism,…