Things To Do During Quarantine Alone
7 Ways to Heal Your Mind in Quarantine

We spend our entire lives running around, hustling, working the usual nine to five, making sure the kids get all that they need, doing the chores, getting the groceries and falling prey…

FaceTime Photography in the Times of Coronavirus | Feministaa
FaceTime Photography in the Times of Coronavirus

Artists are in lockdown, just like the rest of the world, but art isn’t. Since quarantine has become a new reality, Photographers from all over the globe have embraced this hindrance as a…

Racing Adulthood by Balancing Work and Life
Racing Adulthood by Balancing Work and Life

If you are a fumbling young professional who is grappling with responsibilities at the professional front as well as the personal front then we are here to help! According to a report…

Living On Your Own is REAL EMPOWERMENT, Ladies!
Living On Your Own is REAL EMPOWERMENT, Ladies!

The coming-of-age movies taught us that discovering yourself means going off on a tangent, however, real-life doesn’t have to be that complicated. The grand journey of self-discovery often starts with the simplistic first…