“Men and Women are not equal, they are different’ – With this hypothesis, Fempowerment Women Achievers Awards, an initiative of Molecule Communications, were conceptualized to applaud women achievers so that they could reach out to a wider audience and inspire other women. The owner of Molecule Communications, Kiren Shrivastav observed many women doing great work in their respective fields but not recognized enough for their efforts. This could be because they are not media friendly or they do not come out in the open, she believes.
“The whole idea behind the award was to get the right achievers to forefront and recognize the most credible and deserving person with the award so that they are encouraged and keep doing the good work”.
Molecule Communications is a 360-degree media solutions and content company, one of the few which is adept in strategic media relations for brand building with operations pan India and New York providing services and solutions on all platforms of media, from print to electronic. The company also has the ability to create and produce content for all entertainment platforms, from live ground events to television and cinema.
The biggest challenge Kiren faced was to start Molecule without any working capital and set up the right team for a new company knowing that the financial base is weak. Having no mentor or guidance did not deter Kiren to begin working on Molecule Communications all by herself.
On how Fempowerment movement empowers women, she says “Positive messages are always empowering like appreciation, acknowledgment and encouragement not only for women but for any individual”. What she finds common among these women are three things – passion, belief and perseverance.

“Applauding their efforts and acknowledging people who are involved in their success is a great moral booster adding to their confidence thus leading these women to get more support and make things happen due to the recognition and awareness amongst people”.
She believes life is much better with family support. “Without the support of your family the task is more arduous, however with family support the tasks get more smoother and a woman can wholeheartedly focus on their goals as their family life is peaceful”, she says.
Who inspired her to become what she is today is not one person but she has a long list of people!
“It’s not any person or situation but my dreams , the joy and happiness attached to them ,the feeling of success in all aspects and the desire to make them happen is what inspires me honestly!“
Her mantra for work-life balance is to be happy from within. “It’s important to prioritize your needs that keep you going, rest all gets balanced on its own!”, she recalls.
Paving her path to success, Kiren Shrivastav has much more miles to go!