An ex-banker by profession, activist by heart, entrepreneur in soul, and a successful working Indian…
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An ex-banker by profession, activist by heart, entrepreneur in soul, and a successful working Indian…
Read More →Quitting her job 3 month before her wedding and starting up, the story of Taniya…
Read More →After doing stints as a Spanish teacher & an organic baker, I found my true…
Read More →“No one should be left behind. It is a loss on our part as a…
Read More →“I failed miserably in my corporate career and was always at the bottom when it…
Read More →We were told time and again to write against people stereotyping women as un-savvy technocrats.…
Read More →Ruchita Dar Shah got married to banker husband which had her moving geographies every few…
Read More →“Women’s rights and LGBTQI+ rights go hand in hand. We have similar journeys.” Alex Mathew…
Read More →Shubhika Sharma, the Chief Fashion Officer of Papa Don’t Preach is the founder of a…
Read More →An ex-banker by profession, activist by heart, entrepreneur in soul, and a successful working Indian…
Read More →Quitting her job 3 month before her wedding and starting up, the story of Taniya…
Read More →After doing stints as a Spanish teacher & an organic baker, I found my true…
Read More →“No one should be left behind. It is a loss on our part as a…
Read More →“I failed miserably in my corporate career and was always at the bottom when it…
Read More →We were told time and again to write against people stereotyping women as un-savvy technocrats.…
Read More →Ruchita Dar Shah got married to banker husband which had her moving geographies every few…
Read More →“Women’s rights and LGBTQI+ rights go hand in hand. We have similar journeys.” Alex Mathew…
Read More →Shubhika Sharma, the Chief Fashion Officer of Papa Don’t Preach is the founder of a…
Read More →An ex-banker by profession, activist by heart, entrepreneur in soul, and a successful working Indian…
Read More →Quitting her job 3 month before her wedding and starting up, the story of Taniya…
Read More →After doing stints as a Spanish teacher & an organic baker, I found my true…
Read More →“No one should be left behind. It is a loss on our part as a…
Read More →The definition of Sexual Harassment has always baffled me. I’ve researched immensely about this particular social issue and have always come to the same conclusion that the victims of sexual harassment talk more about being ’emotionally deteriorated’ post the incident than being “physically damaged”.
In simple terms ‘the reality is way beyond the big box of imagination’.
Women have been sexually harassed for ages now but still I always get goosebumps whenever I read or listen to ‘their stories’ as a victim. Lets explore some of the unique yet shocking cases that I strongly believe will force you to ask your soul, ‘Is this even real?’
“I have worked for a huge multinational company for the last 6 years where I was being harassed, almost everyday. It was not about that one colleague or that one guy, sitting opposite to my cabin but a group of them. Every day, it used to be a different story ending at the same note. Sometimes my outfit was ‘too short’ for their eyes or it was my friendly nature that was always misinterpreted and resulted in a social embarrassment. I mean they used to check me out, linger their eyes over my butt and make jokes and laugh about it. I remember one incident, where one of my colleagues spanked me . It wasn’t cool at all. It was just as if I was breathing my pathetic existence and the sad part, I voluntarily fell in the pool”.
They call me the ‘booty call girl’, who is open to sexual harassment, because I get money to be harassed . The perfect irony of my life. Well, as it is I’m not allowed to speak a word because giving pleasure my clients is my job. But at the end of the day, I am a woman too. I too have moments when I just want to say ‘No’ to certain things, I’m not comfortable with. I still remember that night when I was on my usual routine, standing on the road of my livelihood. I was on my menses and it was paining like hell. One man came up to me and offered me a good amount for the show. I simply told him that I can accompany him but I wont be able to to do ‘everything’ and I can take less money for that reason. The next thing I know, I was being dragged by him. He told me that he has always showered me with his money and that its my duty to give him pleasure when he wants . That night, I was forced to have sex and I couldn’t do anything about it.
I am a 23 year old independent woman who was once confined within the boundaries of ‘sexual abuse’. I was in class 6th when it happened. Menstruation was completely a new word for me and during the first two months of its beginning, I faced some complications. My mother took me to see a friend of hers who was a gynaecologist, but in between the session, she had to go for an urgent meeting so she told one of her female assistants to do the primary check up. The assistant asked me to lie down. I did what she asked me to and after which things took an ugly direction. First, she touched me and then before I could realise anything, she let her fingers inside me, all in the name of a simple check up. I was completely alien to all these things and that incident seriously haunted me for years. Well, that day she took away a piece of me and I wish I was a little more mature to know what was happening to me.
In an awkward situation, My mother got to know from one of my close friends that I was inclined towards the same sex. At that time, I was just 17 years old and a very shy and weak personality who would would never cry out loud in front of anyone. She locked me in my own room and didn’t give me food for the entire day. I was sleeping when I heard footsteps coming towards my room. I thought it’s my mother who has come with food. It was surely my mother but she did not come with food, but with a man. Before I could react to anything, I was tied to my bed and raped thrice. That incident haunts me till date. I am still suffering from the unsettled emotions and it kills me for the way I am or let me say the way I’ve been turned
This one page of unforgettable and disturbing experiences is not at all enough to describe what so many other people are facing today in terms of harassment. The stories and sufferings of these women make me sad and frustrated at the same time. But the real question is, Why do we choose to suffer ? No one can make us feel in a certain way if we don’t allow. We are not submissive, neither are we vulnerable and to be taken advantage of.
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