Ramona Arena

6 Rights of Rape Victims in India that You Should Know

Rights of Rape Victims in India that You Should Know

India is not amidst a Rape Crisis anymore, it is consumed by a Rape Culture. A culture that we have accepted even though politics, bureaucracy and society, time and again, contest that they’ll do something about it. The National Crime Records Bureau states that every 16 minutes a woman is raped in some part of India.

Empower yourself with information and know your rights. The Indian law provides these six rights to the survivors of sexual violence to safeguard there interest.

Right to Zero FIR 

The victim of rape can file an FIR in any police station of the country, irrespective of the jurisdictional limitations and location of the incident. The police cannot deny to register your complaint based on the location of the crime.

Free Medical Treatment in Any Hospital

All hospitals, public or private, governed by the state or any local body, are subordinated by law to provide first-aid or medical treatment, free of cost, to the rape victim. The hospital cannot refuse to treat the victim and if they do then this act is punishable by law.

Two Finger Test

The two finger test was banned by the Supreme Court of India in 2013 because it violates the right to privacy, mental integrity & dignity of the victim. This intrusive physical examination of women to determine her status of sexual experience is not only illegal but also unscientific.

Harassment Free and Time Bound Police Investigation 

A female Police Officer has to take the rape victim’s statement in the presence of their family or guardian, at the time and place preferred by the victim. The statement provided by the victim can be given to the magistrate which can be used as evidence later during the court proceedings.

Trial with Dignity and Protection 

The victim of sexual violence is entitled to a trial with complete protection and dignity. Any questions related to the prior sexual history of the victim is irrelevant to the crime and should not be used to misconstrue the victim’s character.

Right to Compensation 

Under the Tort Law, victims can claim compensation for the injury or the loss suffered by them. They are entitled to monetary compensation and reparations paid by either the State or the government body.

The road to recovery after braving the trauma induced by sexual violence is unimaginable. The plight of rape survivors is excruciating, however, the laws granted by the Indian law seeks to empower the survivors with rights that shall lead them to rightful justice. Know your rights and so that you don’t have to fight the System along with the rape culture.


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