Earn munafa while you shop online : Kanchan Sukhija

Earn munafa while you shop online : Kanchan Sukhija | Feministaa

A Masters in Finance & Investments from Nottingham University and PGDIP in Actuarial from the University of Southampton, Kanchan Sukhija worked for 3 years in in the finance industry before taking the entrepreneurial plunge. She started up comparemunafa.com, an online portal offering price comparison, best deals and Munafa Points (similar to cash back) all on a single platform.

“While I worked in corporate world, and learnt the nuances, I always had a heart of an Entrepreneur since I come from a family in Business. Having experienced both sides of the coin, it helps me strike the right balance at work,” says Kanchan.

Kanchan had purchased a phone online as a gift for mother’s birthday, and same evening she found the same phone for Rs. 1000 less on another website. “Had I put in a little more effort and visited few more sites I could earn cashback as well,” she says. Kanchan happened to meet Vivek Agarwal and discussed this with him over coffee. “At the end of the conversation, we had a startup idea in mind and a reason for the existence of Compare Munafa,” she adds. Thus was created a one stop solution for online shopping with Vivek and Harsh Maur.

When your passion becomes your work, then there is no need for any external factors to motivate you

Kanchan says that her family is the biggest strength. “They have always encouraged my decisions and inspired me in every situation. My father once told me ‘If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward’. I have learnt from him that nothing is impossible,” says the founder.

Compare Munafa was made to develop a joyous online mall, which is a one stop destination for ‘Bachaat bhi Munafa Bhi’. There are 10000+ deals and 250+ online stores to choose from and there is something for everyone. Their Price drop Alert, Price graphs features help people shop smarter. The company also offers cashback with shopping, and more interestingly, interest can be earned on cash back over time.

I love my work! I could work on it and in it every day until I drop

With a determination to make online shopping more simplified and convenient, the team of founders is taking challenges to shape up the dream. “Getting the right team, keeping them passionate about work and making the workplace inspiring and encouraging to get the best out of everyone is the most challenging task for an entrepreneur,” she says. Kanchan believes that entrepreneurship isn’t a 40-hour a week job. “We have spent sleepless nights just to bring the idea into life. Once you start your own companies you struggle to find time for yourself,” she adds.

There are only 24 hours a day and a lot to be taken care of in a startup

The journey to create Compare Munafa has been a very exciting one for Kanchan. From converting the idea into a sustainable and profitable business model, making a prototype, everything required sleepless nights. The founder has become persistent and responsible handling the team of 20 people. “The journey takes you through different experiences and emotions; focus, hard work and passion helps you go through each and every step with ease,” she says. Kanchan recommends future womenpreneurs to follow their passion and always believe in themselves.

Visit their Official Website : www.comparemunafa.com


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