Varsha Wadhwa Promising Designer from Kolkatata Talks about Fashion
Maternity Leaves In India And Abroad
Maternity Leaves In India And Abroad

Motherhood is one of the beautiful emotions one woman goes through. There are times when your baby needs you the most, but instead of letting his tiny hands hold your finger, you’ve…

Surrogacy : Exploitation or a boon?
Surrogacy : Exploitation or a boon?

Surrogacy is when a woman carries a baby for another couple and gives up the baby at birth. In the past decade, commercial surrogacy has grown tremendously in India. It is currently…

Giving Education A New Twist – Geetanjali Khanna | Feministaa
Giving Education A New Twist – Geetanjali Khanna

A vision to improve the technology landscape of the Indian education industry, Geetanjali Khanna and her partner, Gaurav Krishna Barman, together with over 30 years of rich experience in the fields of…

Ananya Birla
Ananya Birla

Banks are for people with money, not for people without. Microfinance refers to delivering essential financial services to those who are too poor to be served by the regular banks. India is…

Uncivilized Daughters – Review
Uncivilized Daughters – Review

Abhivyakti, the theatre society of Maitreyi College, University of Delhi performed its home production “The Uncivilized Daughters” on 2nd of September at Akshara Theatre, New Delhi. Feministaa got a chance to attend this…

Co-Education Is More Important Than You Think!
Co-Education Is More Important Than You Think!

Every morning we’re hard hit with headlines screeching gender crimes, and I won’t even go into statistical figures there. Every morning, we’re also served morning tea in bed by the mother, the…

Where are the Women Chefs In India
Where are the Women Chefs In India

In the recent time, the world has witnessed a growing awareness among women. The feminist movement has strengthened all the more. In our male dominated society, where at some places, girls’ education…