Really Inspiring Reel Women
Really Inspiring Reel Women

The Indian cinema has undergone massive transformation since it was born more than 100 years ago. A flashback to the childhood of cinema reveals an evolution not only in the Indian cinema,…

Slut Shaming and Friendzones
Slut Shaming and Friendzones

Slut. This one word has been used for centuries now to pull women down. Woman, being the enslaved, captivated commodity that has a check over all its activities, its behaviour and social…

Are We Neglecting the old women around us?
Are We Neglecting the old women around us?

Amidst clanking utensils, whistling of the pressure-cooker and the aromas wafting around her frail body, the face of an old woman emerges. Wrinkles run down from the corner of her eyes all…

“Paraya Dhan” The Female Child
“Paraya Dhan” The Female Child

A child born in a family, everyone gathers around the nurse to get a glimpse. More than the glimpse of the child, what they want to know more is the sex of…


As she unfolded crease by crease She felt him, hidden somewhere in the breeze For his clothes still reeked of him Surviving his presence – an ‘un-earthed’ coffin His coffin, the mother…