Tamasha from Tara’s perspective..
Tamasha from Tara’s perspective..

Behind Ranbir Kapoor’s depressed situation, and all the force to condition himself towards a rat race, many have missed out Deepika’s amazingly insightful and intelligent character. Again a Calcuttan, bold and beautiful,…

Are you meant for an arranged marriage ?
Are you meant for an arranged marriage ?

A naive, submissive and docile girl walking in a saree, carrying a tray in her hand filled with samosas and cups of “chai”. From Bollywood to reality, this is what the picture…

From Bumble Bee Studio to The Big Straw – Vidya Pai

An ex-banker by profession, activist by heart, entrepreneur in soul, and a successful working Indian woman-preneur in reality. Feministaa was proud to interview Vidya Pai, a woman, who has donned various hats throughout her professional…

Snap Chat & The Vertical Video Syndrome!
Snap Chat & The Vertical Video Syndrome!

Since time immemorial videos have been horizontal. And that’s the way that appeals the eye. But Gen Y had different plans. Vertical videos were immensely ridiculed at one point of time. A…

#Happy to Bleed

After an Sabarimala temple in Kerala’s Chief Prayar Gopalakrishnan recently said he would allow women to enter the shrine only after a machine was invented to detect if they were “pure” –…

Don’t worship me! With love, from Ganga
Don’t worship me! With love, from Ganga

“I am the Ganga. The purest female deity that you worship. My long stretched arms, the rivers and tributaries, that flow through the landmass of this wide stretched country, feed the starved;…

Homosexuality is NATURAL!
Homosexuality is NATURAL!

The homosexual way of life, contradicts common fundamental and personal beliefs. Times have changed so much that there was one time where a love marriage seemed to break all traditions and today,…