Here are the Do’s and Don’ts of Travelling Solo !!

Do’s and Don’ts of Travelling Solo in India

Ladies, we get very excited when we plan a trip with our friends or family. But we think twice when an idea of solo travelling springs up. Sometimes, we don’t get the right companion and sometimes, work and responsibilities don’t allow us to take a break.  Also, there is a time in every woman’s life when she should try travelling alone as it has its own set of advantages. Traveling alone is a great way to find yourself, to know yourself better and the world too. Hence, travelling alone is a must for the woman of today but there are always some precautions one should take. Here is the list of such Do’s and Don’ts which one should keep in mind :

Thorough Research

When you plan to visit a new place, you should do your research about that place  so that you at least have a brief idea about the culture, language spoken there (languages that people understand there), accommodation availability, type of crowd, crime statistics etc. Also, the most important thing is to know about the status of women safety. It’s important to do your due diligence of the place you plan to visit.

Be Attentive

You need to be extra attentive while travelling alone. You should have the phone numbers of the local police station and the name, address and phone number of the hotel you’re staying at . Now a days, there are various mobile applications which are specifically designed for women safety  and undoubtedly, you should use such apps. Also, inform your family and some close friends about your journey and be in touch with them  so that your family knows your whereabouts and that they can help you in case of any problems.

Trip Finances 

Once you start your journey, you should have enough money to make your survival possible in an alien city. So make sure you have ample  savings with you. Also, don’t hesitate to bargain on your living expenses. The living expenses are a major part of the cost of the trip.

Medicines & Safety Equipments

Don’t forget to take all the important and basic medicines for common cold, fever, headache, vomiting, body pain etc. For safety equipments, you should carry a knife and a bottle of pepper spray with you. Your health and safety is of prime concern when you travel alone and these equipments are important.

Travel Planning Websites

If you surf the Internet, you will find various websites which offer travel planning. They provide various services like quality accommodations along with short trips to important destinations of the city. You will get a different experience as you don’t have to worry about anything except your safety concern and for the rest,  travel planners will plan everything else for you.

Travel Insurance

Now a days, travel insurance has come up as a new and important safety tool for solo travellers. According to buzzfeed, ‘world nomads’ provide travel insurance to individuals, couples or families to cover all manners of unexpected costs. They will not only cover medical and dental emergencies but also reimburse you for lost baggage, trip cancellations or delays, rental car damage and lots more.

Lastly, when you are done with all the do’s and dont’s of solo travelling, you become more self aware about the places you are visiting and after you take all the safety precautions and follow them, don’t forget to enjoy your journey because that’s the reason you’ve decided to travel alone. Its important to be safe and adventurous at the same time plus follow your intuition.

Many women don’t enjoy when they travel alone i.e. without family or friends. But we know that at some point of our lives we all have to face being alone. So, it’s time that you should start enjoying your own company because at the end of the day, you should trust yourself . Strong determination, courage, willingness to explore, trusting yourself, taking precautions, safety consciousness are the main concerns for solo women travellers.

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